Lior Atia Lab
The Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Goldstien, L., Y. Lavi, and L. Atia, ConfluentFUCCI for fully-automated analysis of cell-cycle progression in a highly dense collective of migrating cells. PLOS ONE, 2024. 19(6): p. e0305491.
Atia, L. and J.J. Fredberg, A life off the beaten track in biomechanics: Imperfect elasticity, cytoskeletal glassiness, and epithelial unjamming. Biophysics Reviews, 2023. 4(4).
Lior Atia, Jeffrey J. Fredberg, Nir S. Gov, Adrian F. Pegoraro. "Are cell jamming and unjamming essential in tissue development?" Cells & Development J., 2021.
Jae Hun Kim, Adrian F. Pegoraro, Amit Das, Stephan Koehler, Sylvia Ann Ujwary, Bo Lan, Jennifer Mitchel, Lior Atia, Shijie He, Karin Wang, Dapeng Bi, Muhammad Zaman, Jin-Ah Park, James P. Butler, Kyu Ha Lee, Jacqueline R. Starr, Jeffrey J. Fredberg. Unjamming and collective migration in MCF10A breast cancer cell lines. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2020.
Shijie He*, Christopher V. Carman*, Bo Lan, Jung Hyun Lee, Lior Atia, Stephan Koehler, Chan Young Park, Jae Hun Kim, Jin-Ah Park, Sam Lee, and Jeffrey J. Fredberg, Loss of p53 attenuates carcinoma invasion and collective cellular migration, PLOS ONE (2019).
Lior Atia*, Dapeng Bi*, Yasha Sharma*, Jennifer A. Mitchel, Bomi Gweon, Stephan Koehler, Stephen J. DeCamp, Bo Lan, Jae Hun Kim, Rebecca Hirsch, Adrian F. Pegoraro, Kyu Ha Lee, Jacqueline Starr, David A. Weitz, Adam C. Martin, Jin-Ah Park, James P. Butler, Jeffrey J. Fredberg. Geometric constraints during epithelial jamming. Nature Physics (2018).
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Yasha Sharma, Lior Atia, Christalyn Sims Rhodes, Stephen J. DeCamp, Jennifer Mitchel, Jeffrey J. Fredberg. Scaling Physiologic Function from Cell to Tissue in Asthma, Cancer, and Development. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 15, S35-S37 (2018).
Gyudo Lee, Lior Atia, Bo Lan, Yasha Sharma, Lior Nissim, Ming-Ru Wu, Erez Pery, Timothy K. Lu, Park Chan Young, James P. Butler, Jeffrey J. Fredberg. Contact guidance and collective migration in the advancing epithelial monolayer. Connective Tissue Research (2018).
Jin-Ah Park, Lior Atia, Jennifer A. Mitchel, Jeffrey J. Fredberg, James P. Butler. Collective migration and cell jamming in asthma, cancer and development. Journal of Cell Science (2016).
Lior Atia and Sefi Givli, A theoretical study of biological membrane response to temperature gradients at the single cell level. Journal of the Royal Society Interface (2014).
Lior Atia and Sefi Givli, Biological membranes from the perspective of smart materials – A theoretical study. International Journal of Solids and Structures (2012).